Friday 7 January 2011



The Lordship of Jesus Christ over our lives is one thing that has met with different kinds of responses. We sing His Lordship, we preach it, we affirm it, but we really do not believe or allow it. This simply shows that we are not sure who Jesus is. Thomas Didymus was with Jesus for three and a half years. They live, dined and wined together. Before his eyes Jesus did several miracles yet he still had his doubts. Then Jesus died. Thomas though that was His end.
One day, he came to meet with the rest of the disciples and they told him Jesus had risen and had been there. All his doubts were let loose. In John 20:24-29, exactly eight days later, Jesus appeared in their midst while the doors were shut and got Thomas to actually confirm that He was the same person who was crucified, died and had now resurrected. It was at that point Thomas actually accepted the Lordship of Christ.
From that moment, he put paid to doubts in his life. He became ‘Believing’ Thomas. Much later, Thomas went to India and did great exploits of faith through the name of Jesus Christ. How long will it take you to be convinced that Jesus Christ is the Lord? How long will it take you to accept Him truly as the Lord of your life? In today’s reading God asked Jeremiah to go to the Potter’s house and see how he formed vessels. As he worked, when a particular vessel was marred, the Potter refashioned it to suit his taste. God is the potter and we are the clay. The clay did not dictate or struggle with the potter: why are we giving God conditions before obeying Him? Why are we fighting and resisting Him daily?
If Jesus is your Lord, you will willingly submit yourself to Him. Your will and desires will be submerged in His. You will let Him mould you into what He has originally created you to be. If Jesus is your Lord, you will strive to make Him happy with you always. Is Jesus the Lord of your life? Are you clay in the Potter’s hand? Or are you both the potter and the clay? Stop resisting Him today.

MEMORIZE: ROMANS 9:21 –Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?