Thursday 13 January 2011


READ: MATTHEW 10:24-23
The moment you accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, you receive the free gift of Salvation. That event triggers admission into the school of discipleship. Unlike most schools, this is a life time affair which terminates at death or through rapture.
It is possible to be born again yet refuse to be a disciple. Not everyone who has been born again will make it to Heaven. Judas Iscariot and Demas were once born again but they could not make it to Heaven. All disciples of Christ however will make it to Heaven. The question now is: are you a disciple of Jesus Christ?
We are surrounded with more professors than possessors of the Christian faith. They are merely disciples of their pastors and leaders but not of Christ. Whose disciple are you? Whom are you patterning your life after?
The word ‘disciple’ is obtained from the root word ‘discipline’. The one who will get to heaven must be disciplined. To be disciplined entails abiding by some strict rules guiding an activity. The frivolous Christian is playing with Hell. The one who finds it difficult to subdue his fleshly desires will sooner or later be enslaved in sin.
“No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.” (2 Timothy 2:4)
The true disciple will be taut on his body and compel it to conform to the dictates of the Spirit. He will be temperate in all things (1 Corinthians 9:25). He will develop the fruit of the Spirit called ‘temperance.’ He will be self-controlled. Are you temperate in all things? How do you eat – moderately or in excess? Do you sleep in moderation or in excess? Do you talk moderately or without control? How you respond to these things goes to show whether you are a disciple or not.
MEMORIZE: 2TIMOTHY 2:4 –No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.