Monday 16 December 2013


Christians who are poor in spirit focus on their need and ask themselves what do we lack? But the second category of spiritually poor Christians who experience negative spiritual poverty have a totally different mindset. They focus on what they have and erroneously equate material and financial prosperity with spiritual prosperity as was the case with the church at Laodicea. The spiritually impoverished person rates his accomplishments and possessions beyond proportion. If you feel you have arrived because a few sick people were healed through your prayers, it is a sign of spiritual impoverishment.
If you feel on top of the world because you have attained a particular position of leadership, or you believe it is time you filed in your retirement papers, because you have won a few hundreds or thousands to the Lord, it is mark of spiritual impoverishment. Children of God are pacesetters. You should dictate the pace and direction for others to follow. You should always be ahead so that you can leave your foot prints for those behind. There is no height you have attained that you cannot go beyond. In this world, there are limitations but in Christ Jesus there are no limitations. You are the one to determine the extent (limit) of your love, service, faith, giving, prayer, righteousness, anointing and other graces in an unending continuum.
“And let us not weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9)
You have started well. The Lord has a beautiful plan for your life. He is gradually working your way into that glorious destiny. No enemy can hinder you as long as you abide in Jesus Christ the solid Rock. Do not hinder yourself. Whenever people tell you how well you are doing, give glory to God and tell them how far from excellence you are. If they tell you how much you have accomplished, tell them that you have not even started. Focus on where God is taking you, not where you are. Never let your attitude hinders your altitude.
MEMORIZE: GALATIANS 6:9 –And let us not weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.