Thursday 19 December 2013


READ: ACTS 6:1-10
God has given everybody on earth certain basic gifts or talents. He expects us to develop and use them to glorify His name. Ironically, many of us who have such talents refuse to use them, yet never stop asking God for more. Such people are not likely to get more. For instance, the gift of service involves chores such as sweeping, dusting the benches, doing the dishes, keeping the toilets clean, etc. Such jobs do not require special anointing. Unfortunately, many of us look down on them, feeling too big to do them. This is sheer ignorance.
In today’s reading, seven deacons were chosen to serve food and do the dishes in the early church. Stephen was one of them. Until that moment, nothing was heard of him. Before his selection, he was full of Holy Ghost and faith and of honest report. Nothing more was said of him. But when he accepted this humble assignment, that triggered the anointing to flow and the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to operate in his life. The decision to do this ‘menial’ task was what shot him into fulfilling destiny. Through his death, the one who would change the face of history – Apostle Paul – was born. Today many believers who claim to be Spirit-filled and heavily endowed remain trapped. All they need is to do the menial jobs and they will burst forth.
Do you know that the jobs most Christians consider more dignifying and appealing attract little rewards? The one everybody frowns at or would do anything to avoid attracts the highest pay. Believers who have learnt this truth deliberately search for opportunities to do the ‘humble’ tasks. They would do anything to be assigned such jobs. People would wonder why such a fellow with a fairly good job, enjoys washing the toilets used by the congregation. They may even think he is nuts. But he is taking the path to greatness. Before long, he would have entered into the realm of the supernatural. If you are too big for such tasks, you are too big for the gifts of the Spirit.
MEMORIZE: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:23 –And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour, and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.