Saturday 7 December 2013


READ: 1 PETER 1:19-25
Before Nicodemus came to Jesus to ask how he could be born again in John 3, it was obvious he had been misled. Something told him the path he thought would lead to Heaven was actually hell-bound. Up till now, people misconceive the new birth experience. Some take it to mean regular attendance of a church. No, it is not. That you do not miss church service does not mean you are born again. Satan attends church and his demons attend too. There are pastors and ministers who are as bad as the devil.
Another misconception involves equating the born again experience with water baptism. Mark 16:16 says, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be damned.” From this passage, believing in the Lord Jesus Christ should precede water baptism. Water baptism on its own cannot save any sinner. The sinner just plunges into the river ‘a dry sinner’ and leaves ‘a wet sinner.’ In some places, they would sprinkle water on people which violates the examples in the Bible. If you were baptized by sprinkling or as an infant or while still living in sin, you will need to be born again and properly re-baptized.
In addition, some think that if they are giving the right hand of fellowship or are even called “brother," that makes them saved. If you receive handshakes to a point where your hand begins to ache, it does not mean anything.
Being born again is a spiritual transformation. It is the birth of your spirit man that was dead. Like a newly wed, three major changes occur when you are born again. There will be a change of name from sinner to saint. The newly married woman will go to live with her husband, just as the born again will leave the company of the unrighteous and begin to fellowship with God’s children. Lastly, marriage brings greater responsibilities. The new birth makes you assume spiritual responsibilities (John 1:12). Are you born again?
MEMORIZE: 1 PETER 1:23 –Being born again not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever.