Saturday 21 December 2013


The two classes of the spiritually impoverished are – those who are poor in spirit and those who are spiritually poor. The former deliberately see themselves as ‘poor’ in spite of what they have, Heaven sees them as rich. The latter think that they are rich but God says they are poor. What is God saying about you today? May you be rich before Him in Jesus name.
Let us consider characteristics of those who are spiritually impoverished. A look at revelation 3:14-18 shows that such people are victims of self-deception. Their sense of judgement contradicts that of God. The Lord says they are something but they say they are something else. Are you struggling with the Holy Spirit over what you are? What matters is not what people say you are, or what you think you are, but what God says of you. How do you stand before God? “Who are you that judges another man’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Yea, he shall be held up: for God is able to make him stand” (Romans 14:4).    
The spiritually impoverished are those who have not gone through a serious trial of faith. When confronted with Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace at the office, school or community, they immediately take their bow of compromise. As long as you keep compromising, you can never be rich before God. Also, spiritually impoverished believers are naked. Like Adam and Eve after the fall, sin has torn their robe of righteousness. Every act of sin you indulge in rips your robe in shreds. The fellow whose clothes are torn in shreds, revealing his or her nakedness, would be considered insane, and wretched. That is the spiritual state of a believer living in secret sin. The one who is in open sin is completely naked. Spiritual shame and disgrace are far worse than their physical counterparts.
Spiritually impoverished Christians are blind. Like the physical blind person, they will not recognize their day of lifting. The day an angel is sent to give them their baby, is the day they will turn their spouse into a punching bag. The day their long awaited breakthrough is to be handed over to them is the day they will fornicate or eat their tithes. They lack spiritual vision and would not be able to enter their promised land. Check yourself today and cry unto God for enrichment in you spirit.
MEMORIZE: ROMANS 14:4 –Who are you that judges another man’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Yea, he shall be held up: for God is able to make him stand.