Tuesday 25 March 2014


READ: ACTS 10:9-18
Another benefit of seeing a divine vision is that it enables you to uncover the Gehazis. When your church has about 40-60 members, it is easy to pick out a witch. By the time it grows into a couple of thousands, it becomes easy for a dozen witches to turn your church into their hideout. A few of them might even end up in the choir. If you are not careful one of them can become your personal assistant. Through the ability to see what others cannot see, you will uncover your Gehazis and deal with them at the appropriate time. Ask God to show you the Gehazis in your midst.
When you are able to see the invisible, you will see your bodyguard and thereby enhance your living in peace in any unsafe location. Through divine vision, you will know beyond reasonable doubts that those for and with you, are more than those against you. Seeing such, once in while, helps to reassure you. Some years ago, when I was the National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, the killing of men of God was rampant. The brethren grew worried one day and told me they have observed I have no bodyguard, and they had resolved to provide me some, with or without my permission. I told them I have bodyguards and that their inability to see them does not erode their presence. Have you seen your angelic bodyguard before? It will help strengthen your faith in God’s word.
When you see the invisible, you will be able to see the new or next move of God. In Acts 10, while Peter was on the roof top, the Lord showed him that He was about to do something new. He saw God’s next move but because he was too conservative and unprepared for change, he lost the vision. Amos 3:7 says there is nothing God does without first showing it to mountain top climbers. When you are on the mountain top, God will show you things to come, so when others are panicking you will be at peace. A few years ago, I asked the RCCG members to fast for 100 days because of an imminent shaking. When the shaking came and most people were in trouble, those who obeyed and fasted were feasting. That year, most churches had no choice but to cancel their convention but ours was unaffected. When you know things to come, you will start to prepare for it. God wants to keep you abreast of coming events in your life, family, community, nation and the world at large. But you must tarry at the mountain top of His presence.
MEMORIZE: AMOS 3:7 –Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secret to His servant the prophets.