Friday 21 March 2014


“Much food is in the tillage of the poor; but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment” (proverbs 13:23). The New American Standard version of this verse says: “Abundant food is in the fallow ground of the poor, But it is swept away by injustice”. In other words, a poor man is one who has been destined to be rich. Are you poor? Rejoice! You have what will make even richer than those you envy. If only you can cultivate your fallow ground, tap your untapped resources and potentials, sharpen your skills, acquire more knowledge and know-how in your field, you would come out very wealthy.
Another important lesson from this passage is that the abundant food in your tillage is reserved. Just for you. God reserves it for you so that as you link up with Him, He will guide you on how to translate it from latency to reality. Some believers know they are endowed with workable ideas. Some comb the streets of major cities with ideas that cannot evolve beyond latency. This is why many die with their ideas. You will not die with your ideas in Jesus name. Just one idea can turn you from beggar into a multi-millionaire. Liaise with the Holy Spirit and let Him help you convert your ideas into profitable ventures.
Another lesson here is that when you have an idea in its latent form for too long, especially because of laziness, procrastination and inaction, the One who put it there will not be happy. At some point, He sees this as injustice. What He gave to you, which could be converted into wealth and benefit, is lying undeveloped while you are still begging and crying to Him for blessing. As a result He will allow the idea to be swept into the tillage of someone who can use it. Have you observed that you had an idea for long but never did anything about it. The one day, you saw some other person executing that idea? It is because it has been swept from your tillage. You have lost the privilege of having it solely to yourself. Do you have ideas that can glorify God today? Do you still have those latent (sleeping) ideas in your heart? Wake up and run with the vision before they are swept away!
MEMORIZE: PROVERBS 13:23 –Much food is in the tillage of the poor; but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.