Tuesday 4 March 2014


READ: GENESIS 25:27-34
Esau and Jacob were sons of Isaac. Esau was the first born and a hunter. He appeared wild, restless and very tough unlike his brother who was more reserved, domesticated and homely. Esau was a lover of good food. In fact, one reason he ventured into hunting was because of his stomach. He lived to eat. Whenever his stomach called for food, he did not care what it cost, he was quick to answer. His stomach virtually ruled his life. It was impossible for him to deny himself for a day or two to seek God’s face. He would rather ask such spiritual exercises to wait. His stomach stood between him and God. This was also why his descendants-Edom-lived as enemies of God. Like their father, they had no time for God.
One day, having studied his elder brother’s attachment to food, Jacob, who was one of the foremost male cooks and a very good one at that, prepared a mouth watering meal of beans, peas and lentils. That pottage was superb! The spicing was excellent. As he returned from his hunting that evening, Esau was very hungry. He was actually fainting just because he had missed a meal or two. He even believed he would die because his stomach had become an object of worship. Eventually, not wanting to die, he sold his birthright as first born in exchange for a plate of pottage. He succeeded in preventing death in the physical but generated death in the spiritual. The physical porridge became a spiritual poison that terminated his spiritual life.
If you are not careful with your appetite, it can kill you. You must keep it in check if you must become what God wants you to be. Food may be for physical health yet it could provoke your spiritual death. Any meal you receive that prevents your spiritual growth is another plate of Jacob’s porridge meant to rob you of your birthright and trigger spiritual death. One thing that is common among athletes who have a target to achieve is that they watch what they eat and when they eat. If you are enslaved to your stomach and find it difficult to fast, you are not prepared for your spiritual life. Lest what should give you life generates spiritual death, watch what you eat. Avoid heavy meals at night so you can pray. Do not overeat during the day. Put your appetite under control. Let your spirit man take charge over your body. Be careful, what you love the most could be instrumental to your death. Watch out, certain foods and eating habits can kill. Avoid such today. That unhealthy eating habit is after your birthright!
MEMORIZE: HEBREWS 12:17 –For you know that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected; for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.