Thursday 13 March 2014


“For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting” (Galatians 6:8).
The world is governed by certain physical laws just as the spiritual world is operated by spiritual laws. Some physical laws are put in place through human forces such as the laws against stealing or murder that exist in most countries. Some physical laws like the law of gravity which says what goes up must come down, have been put in place by God to govern the earth. There are some laws in the spirit realm that have their earthly counterparts or equivalents e.g. the law of harvest. In the physical, the law of harvest says that you will reap whatever you sow. If you sow corn, there is no special blend of fertilizer you can employ that will make you reap yam.
From today’s reading, we are told that there are certain soil types you can sow into- that of the flesh or that of the Spirit. According to the law of harvest you will reap more of whatever you sow from the soil it is sown. Man is a tripartite being consisting of the spirit, soul and body. What you get in life is determined by what you sow in your life time. When you give your life to Christ, you spirit man is quickened and made alive to God. From that moment you are qualified and permitted to sow into the spiritual soil.
Unfortunately, many believers still sow to the flesh even when they are expected to grow daily as they walk in the Spirit. Sowing into the ground of the flesh can only yield corruption, death and destruction. Some even sow to their flesh while they engage in spiritual service. For instance, using satanic power to grow a church will generate a harvest of corruption and death. In life you either sow in the ground of the Spirit or the flesh. What you sow will determine the type of harvest you will have. It will also determine the type of judgement you will have and where you will end in eternity. You cannot sow into the flesh and expect eternal life. In fact, any simple seed you sow into the ground of the flesh will stand against your entry into God’s kingdom. At heaven’s gate, there is a check point that everyone must meet. If any works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21 is found in you, you will not only be disallowed from entering heaven but also be thrown into hell. Where are you sowing daily?
MEMORIZE: GALATIANS 6:8 –For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.