Monday 17 March 2014


“When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him” (Matthew 8:1). In His earthly sojourn, Jesus was not chasing the multitudes: they were the ones chasing Him. Today, we are chasing the multitudes but they seem to be eluding us. Why did they chase Jesus but run from us? It is simply because we lack what He had. There is a divine magnet that attracts multitudes. Wherever that magnet is, people will gather, not because they are cajoled but because they find it difficult to resist the divine force that is pulling them.
Jesus was frequently on the mountain top. He was the busiest minister the world ever knew. Today, we have several men of God operating through various ministries. But during His time, He was the only One until He began to raise men. You cannot be busier than the Saviour yet He created time to always be in God’s presence? How frequently do you visit there? The divine magnet that attracts fishes into your nets –spiritually, physically and materially –is on the mountain top. The more you tarry, the bigger the magnet and the greater the impact. You will succeed in ministry and in every area of your life in Jesus name. Cultivate the habit of being in His presence.
On the mountain top, power is transferred to you to deal with the challenges in the valley. After successfully tackling them, return to the mountain to recoup. In our reading, Jesus descended from the mountain, touched a leper and he was instantly healed. That touch put paid to poverty, joblessness, rejection, reproach and loss of opportunities of several years; suddenly, doors opened to him. A fellow that could not be heard became someone everybody wanted to hear from. With a divine touch, everything in your life can suddenly turn around. The Lord will give you a touch that will totally change your life for the best. The solution to your daily challenge is available on the mountain of His presence. Do not joke with that time of fellowship. It is the time heaven meets earth to produce solutions. Decide today to always be in His presence. Pursue God and stay long in His presence and great multitudes of contracts, customers and members will pursue you.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 8:1 –When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him.