Tuesday 27 May 2014


“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another” (Romans 12:10)
It takes a death flesh to put somebody else above oneself. If we are to strictly apply this method in a meeting of God’s people, during meal time, the General Overseer should eat last followed by the A.G.O., etc. in that order. Your flesh is your number one enemy standing on your way to a breakthrough. It stands to hinder God’s plan for your life. As long as it lives, it will reveal your weaknesses to the enemies outside so that they can know where to strike you. Your flesh must die.
As a younger Christian, one story I heard that kept me going was about some Christians who were locked up in prison in a communist enclave. They were fed with two slices of bread. Among the prisoners was a young boy and an elderly man. Each time the young got his ration, he was in so much pain. It was barely enough. Whenever the elderly man got his, he broke one slice into two and gave half to the boy. The young boy could not understand the old man’s sacrifice even though it was glaring that he suffered more than the boy. So one day, the boy asked why he always gave him from his two slices and the man said he was paying his tithe. He knew the value of divine friendship. That is a worthwhile sacrifice.
Although it is not good to be physically alone, it is far worse to be abandoned by God. It does not matter how many friends you have, if you are separated from God, you will still fail. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 says no increase comes on labour until God is involved, hence Jesus says we can do nothing without Him (John 15:5). God is the Lord of the harvest and if He does not turn the harvest in your direction, you are wasting your time. God made Joseph to prosper even in prison because there is no desert ground with Him. If He sends you to a dry, desert ground, He will back you with increase as long as He is with you. How are you building today? Is His divine presence still there? When last did you hear Him speak to you? If it has been long, check out your relationship with Him. If there is sin in your life, His presence will keep you at some distance. Cry to Him for His divine presence in all you do.
MEMORIZE: 1 CORINTHIANS 3:6 –I have planted, Appolos watered but God gave the increase.