Sunday 18 May 2014


READ: JOHN 14:1-3
Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom of the Church. At this moment He is in heaven preparing for the wedding. You know a lot of preparation are required when a wedding is about to take place, not to mention the Wedding of weddings. Even Solomon who had 1000 wives and concubines did not wed all at once. His fleet of wives kept growing by the day. So imagine Jesus wedding His Church comprising several millions of believers of different ages in one location at the same time. So much preparation is needed. In our reading, we see that He will not want any detail to escape Him. He is preparing the wedding chamber.
“In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). The question is, if there are many mansions in heaven, why does He have to go and prepare a place? It is because the number of guests being expected is so large that many people will get there and not find a seat. So He has gone to reserve one for you. Praise God! No reservation is made for sinners hence none of them can attend this glorious wedding either as participants or as spectators. Entry is strictly by invitation. You have to give your life to Him and become a new creature in Christ to reserve your seat. Are you born again? If you are, are you living right before Him and looking forward to this glorious moment?
Jesus also said, “When I am through with my wedding plans, I will return for you.” Why must the Bridegroom come by Himself to take us to the venue of the wedding when He has several billions of angels as messengers? Or why not send the Arch angels –Gabriel who is heaven’s Minister of Communication or Michael who is heaven’s Minister of Defence? Why come Himself? 1 Timothy 6:16 says that God dwells in a glory that no man can approach. Angels have different assignments. Some are assigned to stand in the presence of God yet they dare not get close or else be swept off by His glory. A man of God who had gone to be with the Lord said the Lord gave him a glimpse of what it is like in heaven. He said the closest any angel could get to God was about 1000 earth miles. Yet from this distance, he had to cover his face with two of his wings or else he could lose his eyes. If angels were to take you to God at the rapture, they would abandon you 1000 miles before they get to their destination. The angels are holy yet they cannot get any further. Every sin in your keeps you in multiples of 1000 miles from God. Are you prepared to stand before God?
MEMORIZE: JOHN 14:2 –In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.