Tuesday 13 May 2014


We live in the last days. Certain prophesies have been spoken concerning the time in which we live. Some are good while others are bad. As over seven billion people live across the continents, two forces are at play – the force (spirit) of bad prophesies and the force of good prophesies. Each force operates through various vendors to make it attractive to earthly men. Each prophesy is destiny-bound hence the need to be very careful. Although most of these end-time prophesies have no name attached, they therefore leave a blank space for the name of those who will fulfil them.
In 1 Timothy 4:1-3, it is prophesied that some will backslide from the truth in Jesus Christ and go into error and frolic with demons of seduction and false religions; they would become hypocritical liars and their conscience will no more prick them over wrong doing. Some will become vegetarians and celibates, erroneously teaching that such things will command you to God and empower you. If you look around, these people abound. The question is: are you fulfilling these negative prophesies? Similarly, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 talks of the characteristics of the last days. If you find these manifesting in your life, repent now and run for your life. That path ends in destruction.
Jesus Himself predicted the rise of false messiahs and prophets which several people are fulfilling to their destruction. He said betrayal and hatred shall be the hallmarks of relationships. He said because of the multiplicity of evil, the love of many believers will become cold (Matthew 24:3-12). On the other hand there are good prophesies you can strive to fulfil. Joel 2:28-29 says God will pour out His Spirit upon whole families including their servants. Has this been fulfilled in your life? Matthew 24:40 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 say some believers will make it to heaven through rapture. Are you prepared to fulfil this? 2 Timothy 4:8 says a crown of righteousness is waiting for some people: are you part of that group? In Mark 9:23, Jesus talks of a class of believers to whom all things are possible. Are you part of this? Romans 8:19 says some children of God will manifest to the world as sons of God. Revelation 20:4-6 says some will reign with Jesus for 1000 years. Why not fulfil these? If you do not work hard to fulfil the good prophesies, you will end up fulfilling the bad ones.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 24:12 –And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.