Saturday 31 May 2014


I gave my life to Christ the evening of Sunday 29th July, 1973. As I came to my office the following morning, the first person I saw was my professor – Professor Chike obi. He looked at me with surprise and said I was radiating. Then he asked if it was my birthday. A colleague in my office saw me and asked if I attended a wedding over the weekend. I replied I did not but that I had just received an invitation to attend the wedding of the Lamb. A professor in University of Ibadan gave his life to Christ several years ago. I used to visit there monthly to conduct Bible study. He said, “I just want to know if it is not dangerous to be full of joy every time.” He confessed that since he gave his life to Christ, he has been full of joy.
Are you in search of joy, receive Jesus into your heart and follow Him and true joy will enter into you. Attaining the peak of your career or academics cannot give you joy. But Jesus can. On the other hand, some believers who were initially full of joy are now running on an empty tank of joy. If care is not taken, they might even lose it. Why? Joy is like a well. The depth of a well will determine the quantity of water that can come out. Shallow wells dry up easily. Similarly, under a very hot climate, the water level of a well ebbs. Like the sun, if the heat of life mounts pressure on you, it will gradually dry up the volume of joy in your well. But whether you like it or not, the heat must come in its season.
If you do not dig your well further, you will lose your joy to the storms of this world. How can you dig this well so as to have an overflow of joy? Afterall, Jesus wants your joy to be full (John 15:11). Being in God’s presence helps to dig your well and flood it with joy (Psalm 16:11). The more you stay in His presence, the deeper your well becomes. Trials of faith equally fill your well of joy (James 1:2). Also, sowing sacrificial seeds into God’s kingdom will generate a harvest of joy (Psalm 126:5-6). In addition, the salvation of sinners further deepens and fills your well joy (Luke 15:7). This is why evangelists are bubbling with joy. The possession of meekness in your life also helps to increase your joy (Isaiah 29:19). Hiding God’s Word in your heart further deepens and fills your well of joy (Jeremiah 15:16). All the above are helpers of your joy. The more of them you have, the deeper and fuller your well of joy. Embrace these helpers of joy today!
MEMORIZE: 2 CORINTHIANS 1:24 –Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith you stand.