Thursday 1 May 2014


“God has spoken once; twice I heard this; that power belongs to God” (Psalm 62:11).
Elisha was a violent youth. The day he accepted to follow the Lord, he burnt his bridges. A bridge is every link with your sinful past capable of returning you to that sin. They must be burnt. This is why in Matthew 5:29-30 Jesus says that you must cut off such relationship and put paid to backsliding in your life. Were you involved in a fraudulent business but have now accepted the Lord? Cut off from all your friends still in that business so that they do not draw you back. Make new friends. Sometimes the person capable of taking you back into Egypt (sinful practice) may be as close and precious to you as your right eye or your right hand. Cut off the fellow if you do not want to go to hell.
Elisha recognized the power of material wealth because his father was wealthy. But beyond this, he knew it is transient according to Proverbs 23:5. In addition, he realized that riches had its own attendant problems and that the rich are not usually the happiest of men. Solomon, one of the richest men who ever lived said that money cannot truly satisfy the seeker and that those searching for abundance ca, never find it through increase. He said while the labourer enjoys good sleep, the abundance of the rich robs him of sleep. Elisha chose God among all other options. Many youths find it difficult to truly follow the Lord because they are pursuing wealth that can easily fly away. What are you pursuing? What is engaging your heart, time and resources today? Seek the Lord and you will find Him and all the material blessing will follow.
Elisha served God violently. 2 Kings 3:11 says that he poured water on the hands of his master. That is, whenever Elijah wanted to eat, he waited on him. He was prepared to make any sacrifice just to be outstanding in serving God. Paul says he is not only willing to use up all his resources for God but also to be spent for Him (2 Corinthians 12:15). He was determined to serve God violently. What are you using your resources for? You can resolve today to be violent in your service for the Lord. Whatever strength you have, actively engage it in seeking the Lord and in making the world a better place, starting with your family and local community.
MEMORIZE: 1 CHRONICLES 29:12 –Both riches and honour come of You, and You reign over all; and in Your hand is power and might; and in Your hand it is to make great, and to give strength to all.