Thursday 15 August 2013


READ: 1 SAMUEL 23:7-15
David was still running from king Saul when he heard that Keilah, a city in Israel was under the attack of Philistines. On receiving the go ahead from God, he went there with his men and defeated them and delivered the city. Keilah was a fenced city with gates. After the victory, David decided to hide there. But news soon reached Saul and he began preparations to go and capture David. David sought God’s counsel on the matter and was asked to leave immediately. From this, we learn that the devil has informants who are assigned to monitor events around you and report promptly to him. Every monitoring satanic agent assigned to you shall be roasted this year in Jesus Name.
If you are always speaking evil of the church, your pastor or fellow brethren, you are a satanic informant. If your tongue, rather than build, is always destroying the faith of others, you are satanic informant. I have resolved never to use my tongue to glorify Satan. What about you? Another lesson here is that Keilah, a city with walls and gates which should have enhanced David’s safety; became a source of danger to him. Never trust any security arrangement put in place by man. Proverbs 21:31 says, “The horse is prepared against the day of battle, but safety is of the LORD.” If God does not keep you, you cannot be safe. If God withdraws His protection from you, no amount of dogs, high walls, security staff or gadgets can successfully keep the enemy at bay (Psalm 127:1). May the Lord never withdraw His divine protection from you.
David was shocked to his bones to hear that the same people he had risked his life to deliver were willing to hand him over to Saul. It is an irony of life that the same people you sacrifice so much for are the ones who would spear head a revolt against you. But Proverbs 17:13 says the one who decided to return evil for good can rest assured that his house will become the headquarters of evil things: sadness, sorrow, disappointments, failure and calamities of all sorts. Are you suffering from the hands of those you have blessed? Do not stop helping those in need because of such people. You are only partaking in Christ’s suffering. Do not give up. Put your trust in God. He is the only One that cannot fail or betray you.
MEMORIZE: JEREMIAH 10:23 –O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walks to direct his steps.