Thursday 8 August 2013


READ: 2 KINGS 2:16-18
There is a route not known to man. A trip through this route is much faster to get to your expected end. It is open only to born again and Spirit-filled, Spirit-led believers. It is known by the Holy Spirit. Some brethren have benefited from it in time past. You too can. In 1 Kings 18:11-12, Obadiah displayed his knowledge of this route when he was talking with Elijah. He told him since he was a Holy Spirit carrier, the Spirit could suddenly transport him through that route and nobody would know where to find him.
Believe it or not, Holy Spirit transportation is very real. In today’s reading, God sent this transport to take Elijah to Heaven. But because it was common knowledge to the prophets for the Spirit to transport someone from one place to another, the remaining prophets gathered together to request that a search party be organized for Elijah. They searched everywhere but could not find him. This transport can move you from one geographical location to another for a purpose. A brother in the USA, during an emergency was lost in praise and worship as he drove his car from Monroe to Lafayette in Louisiana. Suddenly, the Heavenly transport took over and before he knew it, he was at his destination in thirty minutes, which would have been impossible to achieve through natural means such as a jet. The Lord will transport you.
In Acts 8:39-40, the Spirit transported Philip by the unseen route to Azotus. One lesson we learn here is that if the Holy Spirit is walking with you, you will arrive at your destination before anyone else because He will take you through the heavenly short cut to your destination. Once I had very little fuel which could not convey me home. So I prayed for a miracle and the Lord asked me to take off my gaze from the fuel gauge and just drive on. I obeyed and the car kept running until I got to my house and then it finished. The Holy Spirit must have supplied the extra fuel. Besides, the Holy Spirit can transport you from lack into abundance, sickness into divine health, defeat into victory, etc. this year, walk faithfully with the Holy Spirit. He can never leave you stranded.
MEMORIZE: JOHN 6:63a –It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing…