Wednesday 7 August 2013


READ: 1 SAMUEL 18:6-9
God has made provision for all His children. Ask Him directly for yours and He will give to you. Never take what He has not given you. Envy pushes you to take what God has not given to you. Resist that spirit with all your being if you love your life. God gave David victory over Israel’s greatest foe, Goliath. On their way from another successful war, the women who learnt of David’s outstanding performance at the battlefield began to sing his praise. King Saul was green with envy and immediately began to plot David’s elimination.
He sent him to fierce battles but David survived them. When he saw that his daughter Michal loved David, he consented to give her to him in marriage. The bride price was 100 Philistines corpses, hoping David would be killed in the process. But David gave him 200 corpses. This is an example of a leader envying his subordinate. Wherever envy is found, it is deadly. Today, several leaders feel threatened by the presence of vibrant, up-and-coming subordinates. Such leaders would be so intoxicated with envy that they will not realize when they begin to manifest some levels of madness.
They will ensure that the brother who teaches Sunday school better than them are denied teaching opportunities. Sometimes, they will post those that ‘threaten’ them to very obscure corners or attempt to totally ‘kill’ the gift of God in their lives. They will publicly disgrace them so as to frustrate them and erode the respect people have for them. Are you a victim of any envious leader? Remain humble and accept such treatments as preparation for greater heights. Envious leaders are operating in the spirit of insanity in Saul. It is only a mad man that will destroy his children.
A particular minister faced much persecution from fellow ministers. They kept poisoning the heart of his pastor to the extent of eroding his confidence in him. As a result, even when teaching assignments are given to his colleagues, this minister was hardly given such opportunity. At a point, the minister began to lose confidence in himself. But one day while crying to God, the Holy Spirit said, ‘If they have taken the pulpit from you, erect pulpits in the buses.’ The brother began to preach from bus to bus and in the process he continued to develop his teaching gift which the ministers became envious of. With time, the Lord promoted him. Never yield to the frustration of envy. God has a way out. Ask Him.
MEMORIZE: ROMANS 12:10 –Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.